
The Wondrous World of Webcomics

Growing up, I never really read comics. Every so often, I’d glance through the occasional funny pages or flip through a book of Garfield strips. I was much more likely to pick up some kind of traditional novel or, in later years, to watch a television program or movie. It wasn’t until I got to college…

ACFW Conference 2016

With the encouragement and pressing of my counselor and dear friend, I gathered up my courage and resources and flew across the country to Nashville, Tennessee to attend the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Conference. To be honest, I had no idea what I was getting into. I think I had some vague idea of…

You Give Up a Few Things, Chasing a Dream

Note: If any of you are unfamiliar with the movie “Treasure Planet” or the book Treasure Island, go see/read them and come back if you don’t want any spoilers. In the lesser known animated Disney film “Treasure Planet”, a sci-fy re-telling of Robert Luis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, cyborg John Silver and cabin boy Jim Hawkins…

Typewriter Monkeys and The San Francisco Writer’s Grotto

I discovered a new blog, The Typewriter Monkey Task Force. Just as quirky as its title, this blog covers a variety of subjects in very fun and interesting ways. I mean, its subtitle is “Faith, Writing, Video Games, Literature, Life, the Universe, and Everything.” That’s a lot of stuff if you ask me. But it’s…

It’s That Time of Year

Happy New Year, extensive internet readers! Well, to those of you who do read and follow this blog anyways. We have bid a tearful adieu to 2014, a wonderful year full of changes, challenges, and surprises, and now welcome the new 2015 with its promise of all-new adventures to come. Around this time of year,…


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